
  lit In 2009 was launched on foundry capacity of 100 tons of castings per month, part of the cast iron and steel in the mold 400h500 size, weight of castings from 500 g. up to 30 kg. Casting takes place in the wet sand molds. The process of melting is carried out in two induction furnaces of 400 kg.

   In 2009 was built and equipped with modern equipment laboratory. It is an Italian company spektograf Solaris, measuring machine company Tesa 3D, a full range of instruments to measure the land and sand mixtures, as well as instruments for determining the structure of the metal and its hardness. With each delivery of metal produced an analysis of its chemical composition.

   Now the company employs mechanical, punching, foundry and tool shop, paint, thermal and galvanic areas. The plant is equipped with a large fleet of grinders, lathes, milling and boring machines, has the unique equipment such as mills klinoprokatnye. The main products manufactured by the factory is certified. The company is constantly searching and developing new types of products, we are working to improve product quality
